1-0 Philosophy - Senior Team
The Barracuda Aquatics Club’s Senior Team will be adopting the “1-0” Philosophy during this season. This philosophy will take place at every practice throughout this season. If a swimmer, in their own evaluation, has met the criteria below of achieving a “1-0” practice they will then, and only then, place a “1-0” sticker on their “1-0” sheet. The goal is to place as many “1-0” stickers as possible on your sheet. The coaches will set a “team” goal of stickers to be placed every three weeks during the season. Remember, this is based upon your own evaluation. By not being truthful, you are hurting your own swimming and being disrespectful to this senior team and it’s overall philosophy of responsibility!
The 1-0 Philosophy criteria
A “1-0” sticker may be placed if the following criteria is met:
Work Ethic
Effort was maximized throughout the practice
Focused and applied correct technique throughout the practice
Focused and worked “The Little Things” throughout the practice
Led by example and/or verbally with teammates throughout practice
Led by example with the Dev, AG/Jun. teams if the opportunity presented itself
Was on time for practice and stayed for the duration of practice
Communicated any physical or mental problems with coach that may interfere with training that day